North Cowichan Cemetery Master Plan Sets the Stage for Future Development and Sustainability

At the recent Committee of the Whole meeting held on September 10, 2024, the North Cowichan Council took significant steps towards ensuring the long-term sustainability of cemetery services with the approval of the Mountain View Cemetery Services Plan. The plan, which was developed in partnership with Urban Systems, lays out a comprehensive framework for expanding, maintaining, and managing the Mountain View Cemetery over the next 25 years.

The cemetery, which holds historical significance in the community, is nearing full capacity for several key services, including double-depth full burials and cremation plots. Council has approved the initial phases of infill construction to begin in 2025, which will add 400 cremation plots, 16 full burial sites, and a new columbarium niche to the existing inventory. Additionally, the long-term expansion will take place in three phases, ensuring the community’s growing demand for cremation and green burials is met.

Speaking on the plan, Parks and Recreation Director Neil Pukesh noted that the plan not only preserves the heritage of Mountain View Cemetery but also introduces environmentally sustainable interment options such as green burials and scattering gardens. “We’re looking at a future where more environmentally friendly burial practices are essential,” he said, pointing to growing interest in such options.

Council unanimously adopted the plan and committed to making annual contributions to a capital reserve fund to support future cemetery expansion. The first expansion phase, anticipated to occur between 2024 and 2035, will see the introduction of green burials, while subsequent phases will focus on adding more cremation plots and improving cemetery services.

This decision reflects North Cowichan’s forward-thinking approach to public infrastructure and the environment, ensuring that future generations have access to respectful and sustainable burial options.

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